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1260 人参与  2021年12月04日 10:08  分类 : 资讯推荐  评论

仅仅在几年前,MICROSOFT仍是收集霸主的时候,GOOGLE和APPLE都不外是限制范畴里的绿林豪杰,固然与微软分庭的野心路人尽知,但是究竟结果专不及博,微软凭仗本身的综合实力牢牢控造着人们的收集生活Apple TV。然而几年的时间过去了,跟着手艺的立异和一系列收买案的施行,GOOGLE的爪牙已经深切到互连网里微软涉及的所有方面以及未曾涉猎的方面。与此同时,另一个永久走在时代前沿的公司APPLE,也凭仗IPOD,MAC,IPONE和APPLE TV等一系列令人目炫缭乱的尖端产物浮出水面。跟着YAHOO的衰败,GOOGLE,MS和APPLE鼎足之势的场面似乎已成定局。在那个即便YAHOO都可能被收买的时代,不立异就等死的理念要么促使彻底的对立,要么促使战略的联婚。彻底对立的前提是绝对的优势,很显然,在鼎足之势的时代,已经没有哪个公司有如许的优势,于是,联婚的角度来看,微软已经走在了后面,因为我们已经看到,Gapple横空出生避世了。

  那篇文章的标题问题其实还能够有良多写法Apple TV,但是意思已经很明显了:将来生活,Gapple决定!

  以下文章翻译自《时代》网站Apple TV,大可从中看出些须眉目:


  Apple and Google just can't stand to be apart. Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced this week that Apple TV will soon play YouTube videos. Google recently unveiled a desktop search program especially for Mac users. And Google tools increasingly appear to be a key part of the secret sauce behind Apple's signature new gadget, the iPhone, set for release in June.

  苹果和GOOGLE似乎不克不及忍耐相互别离Apple TV。苹果CEO乔布斯那个礼拜颁布发表苹果电视能够播放GOOGLE下的YOUTUBE视频。与此回应,GOOGLE比来公布了一种专门撑持苹果的MAC电脑的桌面搜刮东西。而六月即将上市的苹果手机IPONE也似乎隐含了GOOGLE东西那个关键的部门。

  Both brands are beloved by legions of fans, and with Google CEO Eric Schmidt embedded on Apple's board of directors, the companies have gotten wise to the benefits of synergistic coupling. Call it the power of Gapple.

  那两个品牌都是多量FANS的更爱Apple TV。跟着GOOGLE的CEO Eric Schmidt进入苹果的董事会,二者的联婚将给两个公司带来庞大的好处。我们能够称之为Gapple的力量。

  The partnership is more a friendship of convenience than a permanent pact. Apple benefits by bolstering its phone with popular Web tools, while Google gives its users a slick new way to access its services. One concern for Apple might be that the growing popularity of Google's mobile e-mail and calendar programs could reduce interest in Apple's own such offerings. But Apple already gives that software away for free, so the competition isn't likely to pose a lasting problem.

  比拟于耐久公约,合做伙伴关系更多的是为了各自便利而产生的一种友谊关系Apple TV。当GOOGLE的利用者可以伶俐的获得GOOGLE的办事的时候,APPLE也将通过使他的手机撑持各类流行的收集东西受益菲浅。

  The iPhone's Web widgets and browsing software will enable access to a wide range of Google applications, with built-in tools for Google Maps and searches. A number of the portal's other mobile applications, such as Google News, will also work on the iPhone, benefiting from its touch-friendly browser. And Google's newest mobile tool, an on-the-go version of its calendar program, will take advantage of the iPhone's bright colors, though Apple will offer an alternative in the form of a built-in version of its own iCal software.

  苹果手机的收集小东西和阅读器将能毗连到大范畴的GOOGLE应用软件,附带GOOGLE地图和搜刮东西Apple TV。手机应用软件如GOOGLE新闻也会呈现在界面友好的苹果手机上。GOOGLE的最新手机东西GOOGLE日历测试版将充实操纵苹果手机的亮堂色彩,虽然苹果会供给一种可供选择的内置苹果卡。

  Sumit Agarwal, product manager for Google Mobile, says Google has been working with Apple and is moving in the direction of universal access to its suite of search and software applications on mobile devices. "Generally speaking, everything that you see on Macs, pending the technical ability of the device itself, will migrate into mobile applications," Agarwal says. That's likely to include a universal sign-on, so that you don't have to sign into each of Google's services separately.

  GOOGLE手机的产物司理Sumit Agarwal透露GOOGLE已经和APPLE合做,两边正在努力于将GOOGLE的搜刮和应用软件应用到手机设备的标的目的Apple TV。他说:“一般而言,你在苹果电脑上看到的还没有阐扬所有功用的工具,将全数移植到手机应用软件上。”那犹如包罗了一个通用的协议,你没必要为GOOGLE的每一项办事都签订协议。

  Rather than dumping huge applications onto small devices, Google's mobile applications are streamlined and stripped down to focus on the primary ways consumers use them on the go. "With Blogger, for example, it isn't as important that I be able to leave lots of comments, as that I can capture the essence of what I'm doing at that moment and share it in real time," Agarwal says. "I may want to snap a photo of a monument and store a voice annotation."

  GOOGLE不会将浩瀚的应用注入到小设备上,他们会推出最新的手机应用,并只专注于消费者最想利用那些应用的标的目的Apple TV。“举例来说,比拟于我能留良多言,可以抓取并实时分享我此刻的活动显得更为重要。”

  Google may have surprises yet to come for the iPhone. The portal partnered with LG in March to offer a blogging tool, and a related widget for the iPhone would be a logical next step. Google already offers a GMail widget for Macs, and a similar program on the iPhone would complement the pre-installed Apple mail software.

  GOOGLE也许会因为如今才和苹果手机合做而惊讶Apple TV。下一步应该会在三月份和LG合做为苹果手机推出一种博客东西和相关阅读东西。GOOGLE已经为苹果电脑供给了Gmail阅读器。类似的软件将会呈现在苹果预拆的苹果邮件软件上。



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